M&E, humanitarina coordination, and case management software for data collection and reporting which works online and offline, targeted at use by humanitarian organizations.
Cloud-based survey platform; very simple for users to create simple and intermediate survey forms, with various service plans.
Use Alidade to create a plan for finding technology tools that suit your social change project. Built on in-depth research in Kenya and South Africa. Designed for activists and social change organisations everywhere.
Wiki offering solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology, poverty reduction, and permaculture.
Blog from Tony Roberts, fellow in the Digital & Technology team at the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK.
Previously 'OpenCHS (Open Community Health System)', an open source community health worker platform designed to aid programs operating at the village or community level.
Electronic medical records platform built as a distribution of OpenEMR, and integrates with OpenELIS for laboratory management, developed by ThoughtWorks in 2016.
Textbooks, flashcards, simulations, and examples across all secondary school subjects.
Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations.
The Civic Tech Field Guide is the world’s biggest collection of projects using tech for the common good.
Information platform to equip civil society, governmental and other actors with information they need to participate in decision-making conversations about technology in development programming and to protect their interests in the quickly changing digital landscape. Developed by USAID, Internews, ICNL and FHI 360.
Well-known and field-tested data collection app focused on health interventions in developing countries, from Dimagi.
A group of leading organizations serving the hardest-to-reach communities have come together to collaborate on the Community Health Toolkit (CHT).
The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities.Tools for taking action, teaching, and training others in organizing for community development.