
Funding Friday...Issue 89
December 17, 2021
I hope your week is going well. This week I am highlighting five new funding opportunities for your innovative and technology enabled work in SE Asia. I hope these opportunities bring you lots of funding in the new year!
What's interesting this week...Issue 88
December 10, 2021
I hope you are having a great week. This week I am highlighting a few interesting reports and articles in the #techforgood space. First is a report on harassment through social media in Cambodia. This report from LICADHO highlights a growing trend in modern communications and the need for better protections as well as digital space spaces for people at risk. I’ve also highlighted a new handbook from WHO on building digital health infostructure, a post about digital gaming for development, and a fantastic podcast about NFTs.
Funding Friday! Issue 87
December 3, 2021
I hope your week was fantastic! As many of us are looking and the closing few weeks of the year and trying to build our funding pipelines for 2022, I’m happy to share a few new funding activities I’ve found this week.
What's interesting this week...Issue 86
November 26, 2021
I was hoping to get this email out earlier this week but my American Thanksgiving plans prevented that from happening! To all my American readers, I hope your Thanksgiving was good and you enjoyed time with your family and friends! Today I am featuring a reads about #techforgood that I found interesting, Funding Friday will be back next week.
Funding Friday Issue 85
November 19, 2021
It’s Water Festival here in Cambodia and we are enjoying a much needed long weekend. This week I wanted to share six new funding opportunities for your technology and innovation work.
What's interesting this week... Issue 84
November 17, 2021
I hope your week is off to a great start! I didn’t end up sending out an email out last week, I was just too swamped with various projects. I did get to participate in the CamTech summit, where I highlighted our Invoice Mouy system and was able to join a panel on blockchain technology. The CamTech summit was a great conference and a huge thank you to Prudential Cambodia for inviting me to participate.
Funding Friday! Issue 83
November 5, 2021
I hope your week is off to a great start! Today I bring you another Funding Friday, featuring some of the best opportunities in innovation and tech for good funding in South East Asia.
Funding Friday is here! Issue 82
October 29, 2021
After chatting with a few of you over the last couple weeks I am going to make a slight change on these emails. I’m going to try sending out two different emails the first, focused on interesting thought pieces from around the sector, what we are working on and our learning. The second, will be a funding focused email where I highlight all the amazing funding opportunities going on in the region! Welcome to Funding Friday!
What's interesting this week...Issue 81
October 22, 2021
I hope your week has gone well! This email is late because my team at Glean has been extremely busy this week as we are developing a new digital dashboard and portal system for a local NGO in Cambodia. I find that developing new technology solutions is exciting and I am happy we are able to support the work of a local community movement. Even if that means I’m a bit late on my email…
What's interesting this week...Issue 80
October 12, 2021
I hope your week is off to a great start! I can’t believe we are already in the final quarter of the year. In many ways it feels like this year went both terribly slow and incredibly fast. Many of us just returned from a week-long holiday here in Cambodia, to which we’ve found ourselves digging out our inboxes! So I hope you find these links helpful to the work you are doing.