We've moved to Substack! - Tech for Good Issue 65

Happy Monday!

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve missed sending out the weekly newsletter for the last couple of weeks. I’ve been searching for a better solution for sending out this newsletter and that took up all my free time. I have been using Curated.co for the last few years, but unfortunately, their system just didn’t provide the flexibility I needed for this publication. So going forward, I will be using Substack to send these emails! You’ll still be able to find the archive over at techforgood.glean.net if you want to browse some of the past resources.

Additionally, I am continuing to optimize the content of this newsletter to reflect what many of you have communicated to me you’re interested in receiving. I am going to aim to keep the curated links to around five per newsletter, with a focus on resources that have actionable ideas, research, or funding. If you have anything you’d like to see, please email me at: jesse@glean.net or just reply to this email.

Thank you and have a great week!

What’s interesting this week…

How to Make the Most Out of Business Accelerator Programs for Development

Standford Social Innovation Review highlights research covering global business accelerator programs in developing markets. Interesting insights for anyone looking to join, or build their own accelerator programs. From the article: “Research on 23,000 ventures reveals factors that donors, managers, and entrepreneurs should consider as they choose to support, run, or use accelerators, the increasingly popular training programs that help businesses succeed.”

Feminist approaches to online consultations and what they reveal

This is a great long(ish) read from BuildUp on their process and findings from their research in Yemen. The aim of their research was “to gauge opinions, perspectives, and insights on peace and conflict in Yemen, and how protracted insecurity affects women’s daily lives.” BuildUp does a great job of breaking down how they designed their research, incorporating feminist research approaches, into online consultations. I believe this is a must read for anyone looking to do online consultations in SE Asia.

Why UX should guide AI

For anyone working in artificial intelligence spaces, this article makes a case that AI practitioners should have a more user-centeric focus when designing their tools. As someone that has spent a lot of his career on user-centered design, I love this concept and hope more AI startups will prioritize this.

11 Facebook Ads Campaign Objectives and When to Use Them

I’ve been doing a deep-dive into Facebook ads recently for my startup Invoice Mouy, since in Cambodia that is primary way to reach potential users. And as someone who is not a digital marketer I found this resource extermely helpful if you’re looking to start doing facebook advertising. This article goes step-by-step through all the various campaign types and when to use them.

Funding: GSMA Innovation Fund for Digital Urban Services

The GSMA is looking for start-ups, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises in Africa, South or South East Asia. These organisations should be leveraging digital technology to deliver urban services with socio-economic, commercial and environmental impact. Applications are due July 2nd!