Funding Friday...Issue 90

Happy New Year!

I hope your year is off to a great start! I’m happy to be back in the office and bringing 2022’s first Funding Friday of the year. We have some great opportunities for those of you working in robotics, startups, AI, or AgTech!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you all that my team at Glean Asia has been hard at work on a new platform for Tech For Good. This new platform is focused on providing information about digital tools, organizations working in #tech4good and the feature I’m most excited for is our technology and innovation fund tracker. We’ve build a tool that is monitoring thousands of funding announcements, sub-award, and contracts in ICT4D. The aim is to provide the community with tools that can help them research and develop winning proposals for funding in South East Asia. We’re aiming for a beta launch in early February as we work on finishing coding out the website. If you’re interested in early access to the platform, please send me an email at: and I’ll add you to our list.

I’ll still continue these weekly emails, but the aim is to have more opportunities and resources on our web platform.

Have a great weekend!


What’s funding this week…

AWS Robotics Startup Accelerator

The AWS Robotics Startup Accelerator delivered by MassRobotics, is a four-week technical, business, and mentorship opportunity open to robotics startups from around the globe. The program will provide resources to a select cohort of startups seeking to use AWS to help them solve their robotics development, deployment, and management challenges. MassRobotics will lend its expertise in venture capital and startup scaling to help AWS drive robotics startups through an intensive, advanced curriculum specially designed to accelerate their growth using the AWS Robotics services and solutions.

Satellite-Based Remote Sensing for Smallholder Farms

Smallholder farms are vital producers of food for the world. These farms are often less than an acre in size and are farmed by resident families. Located world-wide, most are located in developing regions with limited resources and limited or no access to advances occurring in agriculture that are available to large farms in other regions of the world. To support these farmers in making the cultivation of their fields more efficient and sustainable, advances in automation and digitalization must be made accessible and affordable. One route to bring these advances is through field analysis and monitoring via satellite-based remote sensing. Bayer Crop Science, the Seeker for this Challenge, is searching for technology providers to help make this technology accessible and affordable to smallholder farmers in Asia.

Alex Trebek Postdoctoral Fellowship, AI and Environment

The AI + Society Initiative is seeking a skilled and enthusiastic Alex Trebek Postdoctoral Fellow to pursue an innovative research program focused on the social science aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to environmental sustainability.

The successful candidate will be supervised throughout the postdoctoral fellowship by leading social science, legal and policy scholars from the University of Ottawa together with an advisory committee of national and international scholars, as part of the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue’s Project on AI for Healthy Humans and Environments at the University of Ottawa AI + Society Initiative.

Savvy Fellowship

Savvy is a virtual Fellowship program for passionate and brilliant young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs. For 12 weeks, you’ll learn how to start, build, and scale an impact venture. Using visual presentations, we’ll help you answer all the relevant questions you need to kickstart that amazing impact venture, gain early traction, achieve product-market fit, and scale into newer markets. Savvy is for every impact entrepreneur, no matter what stage your venture is.

KE project to teach SMEs how to raise funds, build networks

State-owned Khmer Enterprise (KE) on December 14 launched the SME Investment Readiness Programme to enhance the competitiveness of start-ups and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME), and help them raise external financing and form a network of investors and bankers.

Solely funded by KE and implemented by local venture capital firm and fund manager Obor Management Co Ltd, the programme intends to recruit the Kingdom’s top SMEs that are deemed to be “close to reaching investment readiness and looking to understand and engage with new financial partners to upscale their business to the next level”. To apply for the SME Investment Readiness Programme fill out this Google Form: